A Leading Provider of Quality Health Care Services in Sharjah

Providing the community with high-quality healthcare drives us to be a model in health care for medical centers. Through our team spirit, we deliver top-notch services while engaging the patients along the process.

 At Ajyad Center, we believe that meeting a wide range of medical and cosmetic needs is the best way to improve a person’s health. We are also constantly examining and developing the services we provide and looking for gaps in the healthcare system to fill and improve healthcare as a whole.

Caring for people is our primary focus. We take pride in everything we do, strive for excellence, and seek the next level of achievement. Our center is dynamic and evolving without compromising our integrity and morals. We extend our resources to meet the many needs of our customers and society more effectively.

We are respectful, friendly, helpful, and supportive of each other and our patients. Teamwork is fundamental to our work, where each takes the responsibility to contribute to the team. Each of us at Ajyad Center is dedicated to our patients and the community, and we all share a mission to serve others through spirit-based leadership.

Our Mission :

Providing patient-centered healthcare with excellence in quality and service among the medical centers in Sharjah with our doctors, equipment, and services.

Our Vision :

Patient is always first. We are committed to care and attention through patient-centered services. Everyone deserves to get health care at the right time, so we offer many facilities such as having doctors from different specialties in one place, besides partnering up with the best insurance companies. We do our best to meet the expectations of all visitors so they leave the center in excellent physical and mental health.

Our Values

Patient’s Care

We respect the right of each patient to be treated with dignity and care while maintaining their privacy. We answer all patient’s questions and ensure taking care of all their needs.

Quality Services

We use our full capacity to ensure that each patient gets the state-of-art health care service he deserves. Besides, we are always learning and evolving to provide the best services.

Team Spirit

We recognize that our success is linked to our performance as a team. We value our employees as an important resource to us and work collaboratively for our patients.


We strive to provide outstanding, innovative, and ethical services. We opt only for the latest equipment and the most premium materials in any treatment or procedure.